Team USA

Team USA
Sloan's Lake

30 August 2013

Back In Action

After many health issues from previous problems, then a broken collar bone requiring surgery to repair, and delays in everything healing I was FINALLY well enough to return to the water!

I am fortunate enough to have a have a couple of really good guys in my corner to call and refer to for help. Thankfully they each had some time to offer me on the water. I had a few sessions working on starts and trying to paddle straight with an AWESOME kayaker Scott.  A session or two of just cruising around with Brian, then a long session of paddling hard, easy, and then attempting some paddle board stuff for balance with Chris. It felt really good to be on the water and my seat was good but might need some more work, so maybe over the winter I can get a new one done.  It’s now time to focus on school and enjoy the winter... because I will not be breaking anything this year!

Larry and I after I broke my collar bone
Bear Creek Lake-Burton swimming after me :)

Trying to figure out the paddleboard