Team USA

Team USA
Sloan's Lake

21 January 2015


My planned month at home and off the water ended up being longer than expected. The transmission in my car started making a strange noise when I got back to Colorado. By the time I finally got an appointment with the dealer they determined that I needed it replaced, and that took a while.

For piece of mind my Dad was nice enough to drive out with Burton and I to make sure we didn't have any trouble. We didn't have any mechanical problems, thankfully, but I was very glad that my Dad came with us as we did have an unfortunate flat tire. We got the spare on and then proceeded to get the tire repaired in the next town and back on the road.

Kayaking is not dangerous like ski racing but it is a hell of a tough sport. Technique is important for speed and muscle memory is imperative. The risk of injury is low but there is a high chance of getting wet and cold.

I was so excited to return to Kenmore-Cascade and get back on the water. The sun was out and the air was brisk. Dad joined Coach Dan in the motor boat and we headed out to Lake Washington. More than a month off the water took its toll. The water felt heavy on my hands and I felt off balance. It seemed like my body forgot what it was supposed to do. With a few tips and reminders from Dan I started to get back in the groove. By the end of the workout I was feeling much better.  

During the time I was at home Kenmore-Cascade Canoe and Kayak club acquired a new Paracanoe boat the Nelo MLThis is a much faster but also more tippy boat. We had some time and decided to try it out. I was a little nervous especially since my wonderful back rest didn’t fit in the new boat. Without a back rest I am not able to use my legs as much and therefore I’m more unstable, in any boat. I tested my balance a little at the safety of the dock, and then we started down river. After getting a feel for the boat I figured I shouldn’t test my luck too much and we turned around. We were nearly back to the boathouse when I lost my balance and dumped into the cold Sammamish River. Dan pulled me out of the bitter cold water and into the motorboat and proceeded to get us back to the boathouse where I had a dry change of clothes.  Needless to say, less than 24 hours of being back in Seattle I have already earned a day off.